Core Values 核心價值

Wholeness of Life

Wholeness of Life – 整全的生命

We believe humans are created with a full complement of the basic essence of life.



Hope – 希望

Inspiring people’s confidence and hope in recovering from the past and facing the future.



Connecting – 結連

Helping people to connect with self, family, the Creator and others in harmonious relationships, and partnering with local churches, multi-disciplinary professionals and community agencies to fulfill our mission.

協助人們與自己、家人、別人、受造之物及造物主結連, 建立和諧的關係;並與地方教會, 多元專業同儕,及社區服務機構結成夥伴,實踐使命。


Empowering – 賦權

Empowering individuals and families to become resilient and self-reliant, and making a positive impact in the community.



Transforming – 蜕變

Transforming lives from isolation to connection, from tribulations to perseverance, from illness to recovery, from self-blaming to self-compassion, from brokenness to wholeness of life.

體現生命蜕變。 從孤獨到結連;從磨難到堅毅;從疾病到復康;從自我責備到自我關懷;從生命的破碎到生命的整全。

Our History 我們的歷史

2021-Present 年至今


The Beginning

  • 1986 年 10 月 1 日 年安省華人基督徒醫學團契 (OCCMF – Ontario Chinese Medical Fellowship) —「泉源」的母機構,成立策動委員會,徵聘適合同工,開創事工
  • 1987 年 1 月 15 日正式在仕嘉堡,3850 Finch Ave. E., Suite 208,開啟「泉源輔導中心」,為大多巿華裔社區提供全人輔導,教育及培訓,醫治關係,滋養婚姻家庭,建構社康
  • 透過電台,電視,報章及大小型講座提升人們對輔導及心理健康認識,推廣服務>
  • October 1, 1986:  The Ontario Chinese Christian Medical Fellowship, our mother organization, established a Planning Committee and started recruitment.
  • January 15, 1987:  LWCC officially opened at 3850 Finch Avenue East, Suite 208 in Scarborough, beginning to serve the Chinese community in the GTA with holistic personal counselling, education and training, thereby healing relationships, nurturing marriages and families, and strengthening the community.
  • Raised community awareness of counselling and psychological health, through radio and television programs/interviews, newspaper columns, talks and workshops.


Growth of the Organization

  • 邁向獨立成長,拓展深入民心的多元陣線
    組織新董事會,註冊成為非牟利及慈善機構,舉辦成立 7 週年大型誌慶及異象分享晚
  • 增聘同工,強化與教會及社區機構的合作,並善用多媒體,強化移民心理及婚姻家 庭健康教育
  • 響應國際家庭年 (1994), 舉辦全人成長及家庭健康大型社區教育週;編寫「穿梭太空龍與鳳」移民心理健康手冊
  • 開展同輩關懷課程,及舉辦定期教牧諮詢座談會
  • Registered as a charitable organization; formed a new board of directors; and organized the 7th Anniversary celebration and vision sharing evening.
  • Hired additional staff, increasing co-operative efforts with churches and social agencies; made more use of public media in strengthening education for immigrants in the areas of psychological health, marriage and family.
  • Participated in the 1994 International Year of The Family by organizing a large-scale education week for the community, and publishing a booklet on psychological health of immigrant families.
  • Started course in peer counselling and regular discussions with church pastors.


Educating the Public

  • 燃動生命結連,融匯中西文化,促進移民適應為處於不同人生階段的個人、夫婦及家庭提供講座系列,互助組,營會及退修曰
  • 藉歌劇、話劇、歩行活動等提升心靈健康
  • 為主流専業同儕舉辦大型全日研討會:The Canadian Chinese Mosaic – A Community in Flux, To Better Understand…To Better Serve, 提升對華人移民文化及心理健康的關注及合作
  • 拓展密西沙加輔導衛星站及提供専業輔導實習
  • Organized workshop series, support groups, camps and retreats, targeting individuals, couples and families in different stages of life.
  • Promoted psychological and spiritual health through stage productions (play, musical), walkathons, etc.
  • Organized a large-scale public symposium for counsellors and people-helping professionals, entitled “The Canadian Chinese Mosaic – A Community in Flux, to Better Understand…To Better Serve”, to promote awareness and co-operation in the psychological health of immigrants.
  • Established a satellite counselling centre in Mississauga; and started internship programs.


Expansion & Mandarin Ministries

  • 締結伙伴,擴展國語服務,建構社康策略性與位於北、中、南部的三間教會合作,協助成立「齊家會」及提供「組織家長會」培訓
  • 開展「専業互動之脈絡情」電台節目,並成為「華人精神健康網絡」(CMHN – Chinese Mental Health Network) 成員,合辨「火星撞地球」國語家長親職系列
  • 增聘國語同工,與十三間國語教會及兩間社區機構合辦身、心、靈健康關注週,及「教會與精神健康研討會」
  • 舉辦「30-50 生命重整」大型講座及出版CD系列,並成立「關顧心連心」關懷人定期延伸教育講座
  • Provided training to three churches, strategically located in north, central and south GTA, in establishing parenting support groups, and assisted them to do so.
  • Started a radio program for people-helping professionals;  joined the Chinese Mental Health Network (CMHN) and collaborated in a parenting series for Mandarin speakers.
  • Hired staff for Mandarin ministries;  partnered with 13 Mandarin-speaking churches and 2 social agencies in organizing a week of activities to promote awareness in physical, psychological and spiritual health, and a symposium on “Mental Health and the Church”.
  • Held a large-scale seminar on “30-50 Life Transformation”;  released a CD series and established a continuing education course on Peer Caring.


20th Anniversary

  • 整合情緒健康與靈性成熟,籌劃擴展,回應時需成立 20 週年慶 (2006),舉辦 「心靈洞悉,全人成長」國粵語大型研討會及晚宴
  • 增聘同工,加設「靈命塑造」(Spiritual Formation),「關懷人課程」教會版,又「見彩虹」失婚復康及「男女 EQ」等課程,並「靈程導引」(Spiritual Direction) 服務
  • 遷入新租用辦事處 165 East Beaver Creek Rd., Units 9 & 33, Richmond Hill 擴展事エ,策動購買計劃
  • 成為「華人精神健康計劃」(CMHI – Chinese Mental Health Initiative) 成員,及開展「教牧關顧互動坊」,加強與專業同儕和教牧人員在心理和心靈關顧及培訓上的對話和合作
  • Celebrated our 20th Anniversary with a public symposium on holistic personal growth, conducted in Cantonese and Mandarin, and a banquet.
  • Added staff and a Spiritual Direction ministry; started courses in Spiritual Formation, Recovering from Divorce and Male & Female EQ, and a Caregiver course for churches.
  • Moved to a new rental location at 165 East Beaver Creek Road, Units 9 & 33 in Richmond Hill and commenced plans for purchasing the 2 properties.
  • Joined the Chinese Mental Health Initiative (CMHI); started a support group for church pastors to promote dialogue and collaboration in psychological and spiritual caring and related training.



  • 促進心靈匯通,體現生命蛻變,擴展社區能量 2011 年 9 月 11 日 「匯聚真愛,燃點希望」特別異象分享及籌款晚宴
  • 2011 年 12 月 1 日 成功籌得捐獻及貸款,購置新辦事處
  • 2012 年 2 月 25 日 輔導中心奉獻禮,更新召命宣言…-「心靈匯通,洞悉蛻變」(Connecting & Transforming)
  • 2012 年 8 月 27 日 開展巴拿馬關顧及心靈健康視像教育
  • 2012 年 9 月 14 日 舉辦「華裔移民家庭心理健康新進路」(A New Paradigm for Strengthening Chinese Immigrant Families) 講座及新聞發佈會
  • 2012 年 9 月 30 日 「泉源」成立25週年誌慶及籌款晚宴
  • September 11, 2011:  Special vision-sharing and fund-raising dinner
  • December 1, 2011:  Received sufficient funds from donations and loans to purchase the office properties.
  • February 25, 2012:  Office dedication ceremony, renewing the theme, “Connecting & Transforming”.
  • August 27, 2012:  Started video training in Panama, on caring and psycho-spiritual health.
  • September 14, 2012:  Conducted a seminar on “A New Paradigm for Strengthening Chinese Immigrant Families”.
  • September 30, 2012:  25th Anniversary celebration and fund-raising dinner.



  • 中心結構服務改組,擴展更新異象 2013 年 1 月 2014 年 12 月 改組重聘合適的員工職位
  • 2014 年 3 月 舉行中心異象籌款晚宴
  • 2014 年 9 月 「世情變,恩情在」(Love in a World of Turmoil) 27 週年慶誌及籌款晚宴
  • 2014 年 9 月 中心成功註冊在 CNCA 新法例下繼續為合法非牟利機構
  • 2014 年 11 月 完成 2014 – 2017 三年事工計劃(Strategic Plan)報告
  • 2015 年 1 月 增聘三位部份時間制的員工:資源發展主任,培訓發展主任,及全人健康統籌,繼續洞悉世情,建構社區非凡夥伴,壯健社群全人健康。
  • Re-organized staffing in 2013 and 2014.
  • March 2014:  Vision-sharing and fund-raising dinner.
  • September 2014:  “Love in a World of Turmoil” – 27th Anniversary celebration and fund-raising dinner.
  • September 2014:  Successfully completed the required changeover to the new Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act.
  • November 2014:  Completed a 3-year (2014-2017) Strategic Plan
  • January 2015:  Recruited three part-time positions – Director of Resources Development, Director of Training & Development and Holistic Health Coordinator, continuing to enhance partnerships with other social agencies and be sensitive to the needs of the community, fostering holistic health of individuals.


  • 發起了「心理與靈性健康」活動,舉辦研討會和系列工作坊
  • 開始進行組織年度審計
  • 申請並獲得加拿大政府的年度短期補助,如加拿大暑期工作計劃、新視野計劃為老年人、秘書部、公民與移民部等。
  • 建立「快樂健身」籌款活動,聯合舉辦每年的加拿大豐業銀行多倫多海濱馬拉松/健走活動
  • Launched “Mental Health and Spirituality” Campaign with seminars and series workshops
  • Started organization annual audit
  • Applied and received annual short-term government grants such as Canada Summer Job, New Horizon for Seniors, Ministry of Secretariat, Ministry of Citizenship & Immigration.
  • Created “Fun Fit Fund” program & joint annual Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon/Walkathon

2021-Present 年至今


  • 通過線上課程/工作坊、電話和視頻輔導提供全方位的數碼化服務
  • 從聯邦政府、省政府、約克區和公益金申請並獲得一些短期資金
  • 建立慈善晚會年度新籌款晚會
  • 拓展靈命塑造工作人員(兼職職位)
  • Provide fully ranged of digitalized services through online class/workshops, telephone and video counselling.
  • Applied and received some short term fundings from Federal Governments, Provincial Governments, York Region, UWGT
  • Created Charity Show annual fundraising program
  • Expand Spiritual Formation Staff (part-time position)

Our Team 我們的團隊

Board of Directors 董事

Rose Mary Lo


Paul Sau Keung Chau


Alven Choi

Board Member

Dr. Alan Fung

Board Member

Eva Wong

C.P.M., R.C.M., O.L.C.M.
Board Member

Margaret Y Wong

CPA, FCIP (Fellow Charted Insurance Professional)



Board Member

Board Member

Board Member


Rose Mary Lo, BA

Paul Sau Keung Chau, MSC

Alven Choi, BComm

Dr. Alan Fung, MD, ScD, FRCPC, FAPA

Eva Wong, C.P.M., R.C.M., O.L.C.M.

Margaret Y Wong, CPA, FCIP (Fellow Chartered Insurance Professional)

Board of directors

Staff 職員

Kit Ming Koo | 古潔明

Registered Marriage and Family Therapist
AAMFT Approved Supervisor
Executive Director

Lucetta Lam | 林虹

Registered Social Worker
Director of Resource Development

Natalie Cheung | 張劉慧玲

Registered Social Worker
Certified Mindfulness Instructor

Julia Chen | 陳孜佳

MA(Counselling), OAMHP
Intake Coordinator

Winnie Chan | 陳詠儀

Registered Social Worker
Clinical Therapist
Holistic Health Coordinator

Jess Chan | 陳紫珊

Program Coordinator

April Tsang | 曾韻靖

Administration and Multi-Media Coordinator

Winnie Wong | 黃陳淑莊

Program and Event Coordinator

Counsellors 輔導員

Judy Wu | 林吳婉芳

Registered Psychotherapist
Registered Marriage and Family Therapist

Asanda Cheung | 張頌恩

Registered Psychotherapist

Ramee Whittle | 韋陳若英

Registered Psychotherapist

Yan Ting Clare Ho |

MDiv., RP (Qualifying)
Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying)

Cindy Li | 李潔雲

BSc, MDiv, RP
Registered Psychotherapist
Individual, Marriage and Family Therapist

Chi Man (Fiona) Lee | 李芷雯

MDiv., RP (Qualifying), Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying)

Shui Zhu (Cindy) Li |

MDiv., RP (Qualifying)
Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying)

Spiritual Directors 屬靈導引導師

Angelina Lim

Dip of SD
(Voluntary Spiritual Director)

Carman Ho

Certified Spiritual Director

Karina W.S. Luk


Viola Lee

Dip of SD, DMin

2023 Our Supporters and Sponsors 支持者和贊助商

Living Water Counselling Centre would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to the individuals, family physicians, churches, companies and organizations for their referrals, donations and sponsorships. The federal government grants and all the generous supports are vital to the ongoing operation of our services.

Short Term Grants

Federal Government: Canada Summer Job
Provincial Government: Senior Community Grant
York Region Funding: Community Investment Needs


Alex Chan (Chan Choong & Chang CPA Professional Corporation)
Andy Po Yuen Tsang (Chapel Ridge Funeral Home & Cremation Centre)
Best Deal Graphic & Printing
Charmaine Lau & David Tong (Land Power Real Estate Ltd)Dr. Damon Tsai Dental Office
Green City
Irene Sham Insurance Agency Inc.
KK Leung (ASC 360 Logistics Solutions)
Philcan Group
Sammy Hui (RE/MAX Realtron Realty Inc. Brokerage)
Samuel Ip (RBC Wealth Management)
Wa Jee Food Package
William Lau (Living Realty Inc. Brokerage)

Supporting Churches/ Christian Organizations

Brampton Evangelical Missionary Church
Calvary Logos Baptist Church
Good Shepherd’s Chinese Christian Church
Hallelujah Chinese Evangelical Free Church
Logos Baptist Church (Milliken)
Mississauga Chinese Baptist Church
Richmond Hill (Chinese) Baptist Church
Scarborough Chinese Baptist Church
Toronto Chinese Methodist Church
Toronto Emmanuel Church

Organizations, Corporations & Charities

Association of Christian Evangelical Ministries (Canada)
Koinonia Charitable Trust
S.W.J. Pun Family Fund
Wa Jee Food Package