Spiritual formation is about the relationship between an individual and God. It is a journey of faith in which a person grows in trusting God as s/he becomes more and more rooted in God’s love. It is a journey of finding one’s true self and life mission in God. The fruits of such spiritual growth are faith, hope, love, joy, peace, spiritual freedom, humility, gratitude, and generosity. It is a journey of ongoing conversion, not only in the person per se but also in the communities one is involved.

The Spiritual formation program at LWCC aims to help individuals deepen their relationships with God through Drawing Close to God spiritual formation groups, spiritual direction, retreats, workshops and courses. It is experiential in essence that helps individuals notice God’s presence in their lives, pay attention to God’s leading, and respond to God’s invitation. It is life-transforming and life-giving. Rooted in God’s love gives the person a solid foundation for self-identity and self-worth, which is the linchpin for the whole-person well-being. Connecting with God helps one connect with oneself, others, and the communities/world. Gratitude from within enables the person to return the love received by loving and serving God and others. Spiritual formation is one of the critical elements of the LWCC service model that works for the whole-person well-being through connecting, empowering, and transformation.

Knowing the self is an integral part of spiritual growth. Psychological education, training, and psychotherapy services at LWCC help individuals understand themselves and enhance their self-awareness, empowering them to grow, overcome, and cope with life challenges. The knowledge of self and the impact of their life stories help open space for transformation and growth, which enables them to live out their vocations to love and serve God and others for the glory of God.




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Click to view Spiritual Direction Leaflet 點擊閱讀《靈程導引單張》

Experiential 經驗

Spiritual Formation Groups 靈命塑造小組

  • To deepen the relationship with God in silence and through spiritual practices
  • To support each other and grow in Christ together through spiritual listening
  • Stay tuned to the latest announcements on the website
  • Welcome individual group invitations (no less than 6 people)

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Spiritual Direction 靈程導引

Spiritual Direction is defined as help given by one believer to another that enables the later to:

  • pay attention to God’s personal communication to him or her,
  • to respond to this personally communicating God,
  • to grow in intimacy with this God,
  • and to live out the consequences of the relationship.

靈程導引是於神聖會晤中,靈修導師陪伴受導者一起聆聽、辨別及細察主心。 目的是幫助受導者:

  • 留意神要對他說的話
  • 對神作出回應
  • 與神建立更親密的關係
  • 將這段關係活出來。(Barry & Connolly, 2009)

On the spiritual journey, directees will become more aware of the presence of God and grow in trusting and loving God. Such a relationship enables them to open their hearts to God to experience the transformation, renewal, and healing and hence help them live out their true selves and become the person they are meant to be and love and serve God in return.


  • Mode (in-person/online) 形式 (實體/網上)
  • Fees 費用
    The rate per one-hour session of Individual Spiritual Direction is $50.

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Educational 教育

Silent Retreats 靜修

Feedback from retreatants who have joined a silent day retreat
- Learn to rely on God more
- Encourage me to mediate with God to build closer relationships with Him.
- A deeper understanding of God's love for me. Makes me more confident coming to him.
Feedback from retreatants who have joined a silent day retreat
1. Surrender to God
2. Self-acceptance
3. Be humble
4. See God in all things

1. Surprise for experiencing the Holy Spirit who is present with me, guiding and showing me unexpected messages
Feedback from retreatants who have joined a silent day retreat
Anonymous - cont'd.
2. Feeling how great God is, His love, mercy, power, and wisdom
3. Precious sharing between group members, experienced interconnection, support, and encouragement
4. Enjoyed outdoor walking and silence time meditation in nature environment, prayer walk place

Silent Retreats 靜修

Come away from our daily routines and the business of our lives to create a sacred space to meet God and ourselves. It opens a space for God to shape us. In silence and prayer, we can be more attentive to God and in touch with our true selves. Through the encounter with God, our lives can be transformed and healed and it enables us to grow in intimacy with God.



  • 清心遇見神
  • 《我是耶和華你的神》靜修日系列:
    • 呼召你的神:歸回生命之源 – 耶和華你的神
    • 救贖你的神:生命回顧,數算主恩,憑信向前
    • 醫治你的神:施恩座前,敞開心靡,重整生命

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Talks/Workshops 主題講座/靈修工作坊


2024 Be a Good Shepherd
– Self-care and Caring for others 2024 《移加好牧人》- 自我關懷與牧養人靈

Talks/Workshops 主題講座/靈修工作坊


  • 從耶穌的人生看靈命塑造與成長 – 認識、經歷及活出基督
  • 逆(疫)中得力的秘訣

  • 性格與靈命成長
    「當你,與自己的距離是那麼遠時,你又怎能與神親近呢?主呀! 求你讓我了解自己,以至我可以認識你!」 ~奧古斯丁【懺悔錄】 每個人都是獨特的。認識自己是靈命成長不可或缺的一環。此講座透過16型人格(MBTI)認識性格的特質及其與禱告之關係,並探索屬靈生命成長的方向。

  • 自我身份與靈命成長

Previous Pastoral Support Group Themes

Testimonies from participants joining Drawing Close to God Spiritual Formation Group series 靈命塑造小組參加者見證分享

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