The Beginning
- 1986 年 10 月 1 日 年安省華人基督徒醫學團契 (OCCMF – Ontario Chinese Medical Fellowship) —「泉源」的母機構,成立策動委員會,徵聘適合同工,開創事工
- 1987 年 1 月 15 日正式在仕嘉堡,3850 Finch Ave. E., Suite 208,開啟「泉源輔導中心」,為大多巿華裔社區提供全人輔導,教育及培訓,醫治關係,滋養婚姻家庭,建構社康
- 透過電台,電視,報章及大小型講座提升人們對輔導及心理健康認識,推廣服務>
- October 1, 1986: The Ontario Chinese Christian Medical Fellowship, our mother organization, established a Planning Committee and started recruitment.
- January 15, 1987: LWCC officially opened at 3850 Finch Avenue East, Suite 208 in Scarborough, beginning to serve the Chinese community in the GTA with holistic personal counselling, education and training, thereby healing relationships, nurturing marriages and families, and strengthening the community.
- Raised community awareness of counselling and psychological health, through radio and television programs/interviews, newspaper columns, talks and workshops.