
Growth of the Organization

  • 邁向獨立成長,拓展深入民心的多元陣線
    組織新董事會,註冊成為非牟利及慈善機構,舉辦成立 7 週年大型誌慶及異象分享晚
  • 增聘同工,強化與教會及社區機構的合作,並善用多媒體,強化移民心理及婚姻家 庭健康教育
  • 響應國際家庭年 (1994), 舉辦全人成長及家庭健康大型社區教育週;編寫「穿梭太空龍與鳳」移民心理健康手冊
  • 開展同輩關懷課程,及舉辦定期教牧諮詢座談會
  • Registered as a charitable organization; formed a new board of directors; and organized the 7th Anniversary celebration and vision sharing evening.
  • Hired additional staff, increasing co-operative efforts with churches and social agencies; made more use of public media in strengthening education for immigrants in the areas of psychological health, marriage and family.
  • Participated in the 1994 International Year of The Family by organizing a large-scale education week for the community, and publishing a booklet on psychological health of immigrant families.
  • Started course in peer counselling and regular discussions with church pastors.