
Educating the Public

  • 燃動生命結連,融匯中西文化,促進移民適應為處於不同人生階段的個人、夫婦及家庭提供講座系列,互助組,營會及退修曰
  • 藉歌劇、話劇、歩行活動等提升心靈健康
  • 為主流専業同儕舉辦大型全日研討會:The Canadian Chinese Mosaic – A Community in Flux, To Better Understand…To Better Serve, 提升對華人移民文化及心理健康的關注及合作
  • 拓展密西沙加輔導衛星站及提供専業輔導實習
  • Organized workshop series, support groups, camps and retreats, targeting individuals, couples and families in different stages of life.
  • Promoted psychological and spiritual health through stage productions (play, musical), walkathons, etc.
  • Organized a large-scale public symposium for counsellors and people-helping professionals, entitled “The Canadian Chinese Mosaic – A Community in Flux, to Better Understand…To Better Serve”, to promote awareness and co-operation in the psychological health of immigrants.
  • Established a satellite counselling centre in Mississauga; and started internship programs.