
Expansion & Mandarin Ministries

  • 締結伙伴,擴展國語服務,建構社康策略性與位於北、中、南部的三間教會合作,協助成立「齊家會」及提供「組織家長會」培訓
  • 開展「専業互動之脈絡情」電台節目,並成為「華人精神健康網絡」(CMHN – Chinese Mental Health Network) 成員,合辨「火星撞地球」國語家長親職系列
  • 增聘國語同工,與十三間國語教會及兩間社區機構合辦身、心、靈健康關注週,及「教會與精神健康研討會」
  • 舉辦「30-50 生命重整」大型講座及出版CD系列,並成立「關顧心連心」關懷人定期延伸教育講座
  • Provided training to three churches, strategically located in north, central and south GTA, in establishing parenting support groups, and assisted them to do so.
  • Started a radio program for people-helping professionals;  joined the Chinese Mental Health Network (CMHN) and collaborated in a parenting series for Mandarin speakers.
  • Hired staff for Mandarin ministries;  partnered with 13 Mandarin-speaking churches and 2 social agencies in organizing a week of activities to promote awareness in physical, psychological and spiritual health, and a symposium on “Mental Health and the Church”.
  • Held a large-scale seminar on “30-50 Life Transformation”;  released a CD series and established a continuing education course on Peer Caring.