Our therapy model addresses the whole person (body, psychosocial, mental and spiritual) wellness. Client(s) will be provided with a safe environment and given an unconditional positive regard. The Therapist will invite client(s) to enter into an interactive and co-constructive journey. With professional expertise, the therapist will assist client(s) to enhance self-understanding and acceptance; to develop potential in dealing with intrapersonal, interpersonal, and life challenges; to learn new perspectives and ways to manage emotions; to practice self-care; to restore relationships; and to live positively in harmony with resiliency and with hope.
我們致力全人(身心靈及人際關係)兼顧的治療模式。在安全,真切關懷及尊重的情況下,治療師邀請客戶進入一個互動和共創的旅程。治療師以其專業特長,協助客戶提升自我認知和接纳,發掘潛能去面對自我, 人際及生活的挑戰,能以嶄新的角度和方式處理個人情緒,自我關愛,關係重整,體現自我與關係的蜕變成長,邁向積極、和諧、具韌性及懷希望的生活。
“The beauty of psychotherapy is in its capacity to help individuals rewrite their narratives, transform their pain, and rediscover a sense of purpose and joy in life. It is a journey towards wholeness and self-fulfillment.”
– Bessel van der Kolk
Free 50 minute sessions for Individuals, Couples, and Families from June 1 to September 30, 2024 (For Cantonese, Mandarin, English)
The Congregational Assistance Program-Multilingual (CAP-M) is a holistic health professional counseling package offered to the church congregation in need. The Church will sign up with LWCC and pay for the coverage annually.
教會會眾輔助服務 – 多種語言是一項為教會會眾提供全人健康輔導的服務。教會為所指定的受惠會眾支付泉源輔導中心有關的費用。
Prepare and Enrich is a leading relationship program, tailored for both pre-marital and married couples, featuring a couples online assessment tools and 8 counselling/psychotherapy sessions to teach essential skills such as communication and conflict resolution. This comprehensive approach aims to enhance couples’ understanding of their relationships and equip them with practical tools for improvement.
Our multidisciplinary clinical team comprises devoted and compassionate Registered Psychotherapists (RP of CRPO), Registered Marriage and Family Therapists (RMF of AAMFT/ CAMFT), Social Workers (RSW of OCSWSSW), AAMFT Approved Supervisors, and Certified Counsellors, plus professional consultants.
我們的多元及專志的臨床專業團隊,包括具仁心仁術的安省治療師學院註冊心理治療師,美國/加拿大婚姻及家庭治療協會註冊治療師, 和認證督導,安省註冊社會工作者,並專業協會認證輔導員, 以及專業顧問。
All personal health information about clients and sessions will be kept confidential in accordance with the Personal Health Information and Protection Act (PHIPA).
Standard session rates of C$120 per 50 minutes apply to psychotherapy, and/or marriage and family therapy
Covered by the applicable Employee Assistance Program (EAP) or the Congregational Assistance Program-Multi-lingual (CAP-M) by a church.
由適用的「公司僱員保險援助計劃」,或「教會會眾計劃 – 多種語言」支付。
Individuals or families with financial difficulties may apply for LWCC fee subsidy plan that based on client’s ability to pay as indicated by CRA-Notice of Assessment.
Cantonese, Mandarin, English
Monday to Friday 10:00 am – 6:00 pm
(Some evenings and Saturdays available by appointment)
Need 24 hours’ notice or else full fees applied
需24 小時前通知, 否則須如常付費
165 East Beaver Creek Road,
Unit 9 and 33, Richmond Hill,
Ontario, L4B 2N2
A1: Our standard counselling fee is C$120 for 50 minutes. We offer fee reductions for clients in need. Our on-duty counsellor will explain the details to you.
答1: 我們為有需要的客戶提供折算補助費。 如果你有需要, 我們當值的輔導員將會向你詳細解釋。
A2: We will usually respond within 48 hours.
A3: Our Intake Worker will first understand your presenting issue first and see if our available services will meet your services needs or not. Then we will find you a suitable counsellor or else will refer you out for suitable resources. We don’t have any waiting list and will try our best to meet your needs.
答3: 我們當值的輔導員, 會先行了解你的問題 , 看我們的服務是否適合你的需要, 才安排合適的輔導員/心理治療師約見,否則會作適當的轉介。 我們的服務無需長期等候,並會盡力協助滿足你的需要。
A4: All our counsellors are Christians. We provide professional counselling/psychotherapy services to both Christians and general publics disregard of their religion. We respect diverse faith background of our clients. When a counsellor is assigned to you, please discuss your needs with your counsellor.
答4: 我們的輔導員都是基督徒,同時為基督徒群體及公眾提供專業輔導服務, 並尊重各人不同的信仰, 對個人有關的需要, 可與安排約見的輔導員探討。
A5: Yes, telephone counselling can be effective. For further information for how effective telephone counselling can be, please take a look at this article summary.
答5: 是的,電話諮詢可以是有效的。 有關電話諮詢的有效性的更多資訊,請查看這篇文章摘要。
A5: There is potential risk of telephone counselling due to our lack of control over technology and the environment at client’s end which may potentially compromise privacy and confidentiality. Client also needs to have access to a reliable phone in a safe and private location, away from the risk of eavesdrops by others.
答6: 由於我們缺乏對客戶端的技術和環境的控制,因此存在使用電話的潛在風險,這可能會洩漏隱私和個人資料保密性。客戶使用電話輔導服務需要在安全且私隱的位置,用可靠的電話,以免遭受他人竊聽的風險。